Alternative Farming Experience

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Shop to Learn

The task for my group was to design the now Menlo Park Mall and its neighboring land with a new shopping experience. Menlo Park Malls unforthcoming history unvieled its connection to agriculture and the noteworthy scientist Thomas Edison.

In my efforts to revive the history and gvie back to the community of Edison I designed the northern most portion as a full agricultural experience complete with hydroponic, aquaponic, and traditional farming grounds. The Aquaponics building provides large lecture halls where multiple lectures can be held at the same time as well as an average sized classroom where school groups can gather to learn more about aquaponics farming in a hands on enviornment. The large and small quaponics farming labs are easily seen by the passerbyers as well as each other.

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The Garden State

Botanical Gardens houses tropical and exotic greenery on its interior while just under the large outstretched canopy of the building is a wanderlust garden that can thrive in the everchanging weather of NJ. The exterior space of the Botanical Garden has whimsical sculptures inspired by Thomas Edison inventions sprinkled throughout the grounds.

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